Sep 07
Last summer the kids got a bird’s eye view of the Falls when Kris took us up in the plane. It was time to see it from the ground this year.

It was a beautiful day so LOTS of people!!! And you have to pay to go on the bridge to the observation tower now. : ( So we just stuck to the free stuff…
And yes, now it’s time for school. Ben’s 1st Day of K pictures will be posted tomorrow.
Sep 05
My boys wheeling all our stuff down to the beach.

Someone was REALLY excited to be at the beach.

Just cute and splashin’…

The 2 cutest kids EVER!

Aren’t they cute playing in the water with Daddy?

The sand castle masterpiece!

I love how the water sparkles around him here…

Another one of my favorites…

Someone had a LONG day.

Till next summer…
Aug 07
I’ve heard several nice things about this place, so we decided to check it out today. It’s on the shores of Lake Ontario.
They have this great vintage carnival ride area. All the rides were .25! The kids took their own money and had a blast.

There was a small, and I mean SMALL beach area. After we checked that out, we headed to the pier. That was cool…

The pier!

Some random sailboat…

View of the small beach from the pier.

And well, you know these people!

And a nice old man took a pic of all of us.

We sat at the end of the pier and just watched the boats. It was so fun! Really just a fun, unexpected day. Those are the best.
Aug 01
We had an AMAZING time. Our crew just loves this place. Get ready for a long post. We have tons of pics!
This was taken after our “Hey Hey Hey Ride” with Yogi

And then some fun time at the playground…

Upside down swinger!

And the spinner! Mom and Dad just about lost their breakfast after going on this. Beth could make it go SUPER fast.

Time for mini golf!

Ooo and my favorite, PADDLE BOATS!

And quite possibly the best feature of Jellystone, the water park! It was new this year. The kids couldn’t get enough (ok and mom and dad had fun too!)

You can’t see me because I made a BIG splash! You don’t want to be a little kid next to the slide when Mama comes down. LOL. And it didn’t help that my bathing suit made me fly down the slide like a wet seal!

SMORES anyone?

Can’t forget the campfire…

And one very tired Beffy after a long day.

Thanks for looking! We can’t wait to go back next year.
Jul 24
I’m not sure how we managed to get this day in with all the rain we’ve been having, but we made it!
Come on now, he is just too darn cute.

Grammy and Beth making sand castles. Hmm…or is that just a giant hole?

Eating his favorite beach treat…TWIZZLERS!

This has to be my favorite pic of the day…
Oh wait…what about this one? I can’t decide.

This park has a great beach area AND a huge picnic area. So we roasted marshmallows for smores….mmmmmm.

Thanks for coming to the beach with us.