
A Blog about the Sielski Family

Girl Scout Camp! WOO HOO!

It’s that time of year again…Girl Scout Camp!  Last year we stayed over, but due to some scheduling conflicts, we went for the day.   Bethany had a blast!  The theme this year was Superheros.  The girls made tshirts with their favorite superhero and Beth picked Supergirl.

Here she is with her best buds.  From left to right: Bethany, Stephanie, Sammi, and Julia.


I said it last year, but these girl scouts know how to camp.  Almost every minute of their day was filled with a fun activity.   The first of the day, self defense lessons!


And of course, tons of crafts!


I thought the coolest activity was the obstacle course.  One part of it included walking on a suspended wire with only ropes to help you get across!


Thanks for looking!

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