
A Blog about the Sielski Family

1st Day of School (ok, a little late)

Yes, I know, school has been in session for a week now, but better late than never!

The Pre-Schooler!

The 2nd Grader!  It isn’t possible that she is in 2nd grade, is it?

I remember THIS girl.  Wasn’t this taken yesterday?

Yes, I’ve officially become that sappy mom who doesn’t know where the time has gone…

Ok, before I totally lose it, I just should mention that school is going great.  Bethany came home on the 1st day and said, “Mom, I think I am going to really enjoy this year.”  WOW.  The girl DOES love school.  And my sweet Benny, he’s doing awesome too.  Better than I ever imagined.  His teacher told me that he has a smile on his face every morning.  And they are very impressed with how well he can write his name.  She said a lot of the older kids in the class haven’t even tried.  Way to go Ben Ben!

Oh and one more of my sweeties together!

P.S.  Just a thanks to Kelly who (without knowing it) gave me a kick in the butt to get these school pics posted.

Ben’s daycare bites the dust…

We’re officially done with this one.  Time to move on and look for another.  Sigh.  Ben was so unhappy so I just chalked it up to missing me, but now I’m thinking it was his teacher. 

Long story short, there was a field trip yesterday, I was never informed about it.  I tried to enquire why I wasn’t informed and the teacher was VERY nasty to me.  She made it seem as though it was my fault.   I NEVER GOT THE INFORMATION!!!  I was also never told about the “communication folder” and when I asked her to show me, she was NOT nice.   It was ridiculous really.  I mean, WE ARE NEW!!!!  And if she was this nasty to me, how was she with Ben???  I just got a really bad feeling at this point, so we pulled him out and now I’m trying to get a refund.  Sigh…

This morning we are going to check out a few new places and hopefully something much better will come along.  

Have a terrific 4th of July!  Be safe and have fun!

School is out!

Today was Bethany’s first official day of summer vacation!  She is so happy about that.  The girl loves school, but I think she loves swimming and having tons of fun much more.

So what are our plans?  The usual stuff, swimming, playing outside, lots of marshmallow roasting.  Don’t forget the beach at least 2 times and a trip to Fantasy Island.  And something new this year.  We’ll be heading to Jellystone for some camping in July.  If you’re interested, click the link here: www.wnyjellystone.com/amenities.html

This past Tuesday, Bethany had her awards ceremony.  She won the “Presidents Award For Academic Excellence.”  It’s the highest academic award at her school!  WOO HOO BETH!!! 

This is Bethany’s principal.  That’s the lights from the projector on his head, lol.

And this is her 1st Grade Teacher.  She was a terrific teacher and Bethany already misses her. 

As for my little man… We took a ride his “Big Boy Preschool” today.  This is the school he will be attending everyday in the fall.  It’s part of the school district here.  I was a little nervous about it because it wasn’t the school that Bethany went to for preschool (it’s a lottery system and we got our 2nd choice).  Just so happens that all the doors were open, so on a whim, we stopped in.  We got to see his class and talked to the teacher!  Unfortunately, she is moving to Beth’s school and a new hire will be teaching Ben’s class.  But she told me all about the process and what will happen in the Fall and I can honestly say that the school sounds great!  I think I feel a little better about it now.

That’s it for now, thanks for reading!

Girl Scout Camping!

What a time we had!

Those Girl Scouts sure do know how to camp!  The place was amazing and the activities for the girls even more so.  The whole day was pirate themed.  The girls made treasure chests and swords.  They learned to fence and shoot a bow and arrow.  There was a bounce house and blow-up slide.  They also did a scavenger hunt, learned camp fire songs and so much more!  The best part, Bethany had a BLAST.  She wants to go again next year.

Originally we were suppose to sleep in cabins.  At the last minute that fell through and we had to spend the night in tents.  ACK!  It didn’t help that the forecast was predicting lots of rain and thunderstorms.  But we made it!  I was so proud of Bethany.  She was amazing.  The day had completely wiped her out so she fell asleep first!  Yes it rained.  Poured actually.  And there was lightning and thundering.  But all the girls did great.   And yes, I did manage to get some sleep but it wasn’t much.  But was it worth it?  ABSOLUTELY!  I loved spending time with my sweetie girl and she made me the proudest mommy ever!  I think I realized all at once, that she is growing up pretty fast but I couldn’t be happier about the young girl she has become.  In two short years, she has gone from a shy, scared girl, to a smart, confident young lady.  I’m one lucky mama!

Ben’s 1st day of preschool…

So today was the day!  It started off great.  Here are some pictures of my little man with his backpack.

When we got to his the classroom, Ben took his teacher’s hand and went right over to the carpet for story time.  He didn’t even look back!  Kris and I didn’t know what to do!  We just stood there.  Finally, I went over to him, rubbed his head and told him we’d be back after lunch.  He gave me the “two thumbs up” and off we went.

Now of course, I’m not handling this too well.  Didn’t matter that he did great, I still cried.

Anyway, fast forward to after lunch.  We had the WORST thunder storm I’ve ever seen!  It was raining and HAILING so hard that my wipers couldn’t keep up.  People were pulling off the road left and right.  It was frightening but I was on a mission to get my boy!  I enter the school and hear someone crying.  This cry is very familiar to me so I pick up the pace.  Just as I am about the enter the room, I hear the teacher say “Ben, why are you crying?”  That is followed by his reply… “I-WANT-TO-GO-HOME!”  I guess I came just in time.  My poor guy.  He wasn’t happy.  Miss Kim reassured me that he did great up until the storm.  Still, it was hard to see my little man so upset.  Of course, he calmed down pretty quickly and he’s fine.  I asked him if he wanted to go back on Wednesday and I got a weak “yes.”  I guess that’s a good sign.

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